Help us give Regal Heights a good spring cleaning!
Come be part of the city-wide Toronto Community Cleanup Day on Saturday, April 27 at 10 am. We’ll be walking through the neighbourhood picking up litter. But that’s not all. For the first time we’ll have:
- Trash-crafted parade floats.
- A swap table — trade your unwanted stuff for something you need
- A fix-it table — if it’s a simple repair, we can do it, free of charge!
- A junk band jam in the park!
Event Report
About 12 brave volunteers came out on a blustery Saturday morning to give Regal Heights a Spring Cleaning! In the end, there was no rain or snow…. BUT… the weather was crazy. It was really cold, and REALLY windy. Our things were blowing everywhere. Folks were wearing coats, hats and gloves!
The bad weather had two impacts: First, we didn’t get a huge turnout, and second, people wanted SHORT routes!
Despite that, we got a lot done!
Many thanks to our volunteers for this event and a special thanks to Dave Meslin, Mary Anne Quance, John Keating and Shannon Hancocks for organizing. Thanks also to our Member of Provincial Parliament Marit Stiles for pitching in !
Spring Cleaning 2019