Regal Heights Residents’ Association
Executive Meeting
Tuesday, April 16th, 2019, 7:00 pm
At 2 Glenholme Avenue
Attending: John Keating (chair), Brigid Higgins, Margaret Smith, Mary Anne Quance, Florence Watts, Linda DeGiorgio, Dave Meslin, Kevin Johnston, Beth Marcilio, Harry Lay, Carol Gallagher (recorder), Marie Goldthorpe, Manuel Lomba (Councillor’s office), Robert Szarchrajuk
Regrets: Peter Norman, Rosa Cordiano
1. Administration
a) Discussion: Protocol for project communications
Kevin Johnston began a discussion about how to improve pubic consultation for RHRA projects that affect public spaces. Dave Meslin proposed a motion that would require the RHRA to notify neighbours within 200 metres for proposed projects that would substantially change public spaces, such as roadways. Members agreed that the RHRA needs to do a better job consulting residents about major projects. After some discussion, Dave agreed to make improvements to his proposal and bring it back to a future meeting.
Kevin also proposed that the committee or individual responsible for each project be the first point of contact for inquiries or concerns from members of the community. This would ensure consistent communications. The proposal was accepted.
b) Discussion: Do we need more detailed accounting?
John Keating raised the issue of how much detail the RHRA should provide in accounting records. Upon discussion it was agreed that itemized breakdowns of costs would be good. It would also be beneficial to provide projected costing breakdowns, with rationale, when considering funding requests so that cost approvals are as accurate as possible. It was suggested that this information could also be posted on the website and shared through the email chain.
2. Projects and Outreach
a) Traffic light initiative update
Kevin provided an update on the background and timelines for the traffic light initiative at Oakwood and Rosemount Avenue. As a next step, the City will be drafting and mailing a letter to residents within a certain radius of the intersection explaining the details of the project. Kevin indicated that the installation is based on a police assessment that traffic lights are warranted as a safety measure. Some residents have expressed concern over the project. It was asked if the Councillor could arrange a public meeting for residents to learn more, discuss concerns and explore other safety options before the project moves ahead. It was also noted that the adjacent ward to the east will be affected by the change to the intersection and should also be consulted. Manuel Lomba will convey the comments to Councillor Ana Bailão and report back to the RHRA.
b) RHVBIA relationship
Margaret Smith reported on her further discussions with the executive of the BIA. The position of the Regal Heights Village BIA remains that prior registration is required in order to speak at a BIA meeting. Margaret reiterated the concern that this policy inhibits RHRA involvement but stated that the RHRA is open to working with the BIA on a case-by-case basis.
c) Short update on development principles discussion
John and Kevin recently visited with City planners to see if the RHRA could find out early in the process about proposed developments for the neighbourhood. They discovered that the association can apply to be included on a early project notification list. In addition, the City’s website shows all current applications including those matters scheduled to appear before the Committee of Adjustments. Note that relevant information from the City’s sources is always kept up to date on the RHRA website at
The motion for a proposed RHRA position on Planning Policy and Development Matters is posted on the website for feedback (click here). Peter Norman was absent so a report on feedback to date was unavailable.
d) City Survey on main streets
Margaret reported that on April 6th the Architectural Conservancy of Ontario (ACO) held a conference on “Toronto’s Disappearing Main Streets: Buildings and Businesses”. Related to this, the City is conducting a “Retail Main Streets Study” and is inviting interested residents to participate in an online survey regarding retail on main streets. The survey is open until May 20th. To participate, go to THIS SITE:
3. Street Beautification
a) Gardens, Graffiti, Garbage
Mary Anne Quance reported that graffiti can be reported at 311. She will assist in making reports if a resident contacts her. Mary Anne is requesting feedback on which barrel planters are in good shape or which must be repaired or replaced. Richard Cavanaugh has agreed to do some work to fix barrels. This year’s target garden is at the corner of Oakwood and Rosemount; the goal there is for a proper irrigation system and planting of native flowering vegetation. There will also be a pumpkin patch planted in the Rosemount garden. Dave reported that he has been recruiting gardening volunteers and offered to hold a meeting for anyone interested in learning more about getting involved.
b) Latest plans for Annual Toronto Spring Clean Up April 27
John circulated a draft of the poster to advertise the event. A copy can be found HERE. He reported that Shannon Hancocks has suggested a few tables at the parking lot for a “junk” swap. There will also be a fix-it table. John said that he and Brian Crabtree have volunteered to accept small repair jobs of household items. Shannon is also working on other fun ideas to raise the profile of environmental issues during the day. This is also Compost Day at the Oakwood parking lot; a flyer is coming soon from Ana Bailão’s office to advertise that event.
c) Public Meeting on intersection of Springmount Avenue and Regal Road
Manuel Lomba announced that there will be a public meeting on May 7th from 6-8 pm for residents to express their ideas on changes to the design of the intersection. The councillor’s office will soon be sending notice by mail. The location is yet to be determined. The RHRA will advertise the meeting widely once the location has been chosen.
4. Communications
a) Communications – postponed
(Peter Norman absent)
b) Update on Regal Heights Newsletter
Brigid Higgins reported that the first meeting for the RHRA newsletter team was very successful, generating lots of enthusiasm and many ideas for a broad range of contributions. More brainstorming was done for topics and sources of material. Volunteers are needed to write or help in other ways. Contact Dave Meslin at if you’re interested or submit your name to the editorial committee through our website HERE.
c) Update: Statement of recognition of Indigenous heritage
Margaret confirmed that the land acknowledgement has been posted on the website.
5. – Police Community Partnership
Rosa was absent so no update was available. Robert Szarchrajuk reported that there had been no PCP13 meeting held in April. He volunteered to attend the meetings as a back-up representative when needed.
6. Special Events
a) Update on Regal Heights maple syrup
Dave reported that the maple syrup tapping and boil-down was a great success, with roughly 25 small bottles and a few larger bottles produced, each with a Regal Heights label. The idea was presented to distribute the bottles as tokens of appreciation on an ongoing basis to community volunteers. This could be done by monthly nominations through the website. The idea was well received; more discussion will follow.
b) May public meeting, logistics and ideas
John confirmed that the meeting will be on May 21st from 7-9pm at the Dufferin-St. Clair Library. The RHRA will pay $63 to have the library stay open late to provide the best timeframe for the meeting. The library will publish flyers to advertise the event. It was proposed to have a table to advertise RHRA activities. Dave volunteered to create a PowerPoint presentation for the meeting. John will invite Ana Bailão, Councillor, and possibly other speakers as well.
7. Community Welcome Package
Harry Lay reported that one package has been distributed since the last meeting.
8 Finances
Linda provided updated figures. She reported that the dispersed funds (some $464.03) were for gardening expenses.
Member Funds | March 19, 2019 | April 16, 2019 |
Operating Fund | 9,759.00 | 9,294.97 |
Heritage Fund | 276.00 | 276.00 |
Street Sale Fund | 192.00 | 192.00 |
Petty Cash | 226.00 | 226.00 |
TOTAL | 10,453.00 | 9,988.97 |
9. New Business
Beth reminded us of the upcoming Pub Night next Thursday, April 25th at the Fox and the Fiddle.
Next Meeting:
Spring General Meeting at the Dufferin/St. Clair Library Earlscourt Room, Tuesday, May 21st at 7pm.