Tuesday, September 27 2022, 7:00 – 8:30 pm
Meeting hosted by Zoom
Present: Margaret Smith, Richard Kavanaugh, John Keating, Mary Anne Quance, Harry Lay, Julie Dzerowicz MP, Marit Stiles MPP, Lourdes (Marit Stiles office)
1 – Reports from local representatives
- The federal MP, Julie Dzerowicz, reported on a variety of initiatives undertaken by the federal government including the assistance to Maritime victims of Hurricane Fiona, relief measures for the cost of living, family subsidies for dental care, and changes to Covid screening entry requirements for visitors arriving in Canada. Julie questioned the reluctance within the House of Commons to implement all measures possible to combat climate change.
- Lourdes, from Marit Stiles’ office, introduced herself as Marit’s new assistant.
- The provincial MPP Marit Stiles, who is currently running for the leadership of the provincial New Democratic Party, spoke of the party’s vociferous opposition to several recent bills tabled by the governing party. Marit spoke warmly of the RHRA and how she took the opportunity to encourage members of the public to join.
2 – Projects and events
- Harry spoke of the three events of the summer involving the RHRA: the Queen’s Jubilee celebration, held in concert with the Northcliffe Village Residents’ Association; the Canada Day Parade; and the unveiling of a commemmorative plaque at the Rosemount Gardens in honour of John Keating’s long service to the RHRA.
- Upcoming Toronto municipal election, October 24 2022: John spoke of organizing an all-candidates debate at Oakwood Collegiate on October 11 with Maurice Williams from the Northwood Village RA. Volunteers are needed to act as greeters, timer, and most importantly, as the moderator. John asked that pertinent questions to be asked of the candidates be emailed to him.
- Pumpkin carving: the annual RHRA pumpkin carving, held jointly with the Northcliffe Village RA, will take place at Santa Chiara park on October 22. Volunteers are needed, and can speak with John. Inexpensive pumpkins too are needed. Members are encouraged to solicit local stores that have pumpkins for sale.
3 – Communications and Planning
- Communications (Peter Norman) – no report made.
- Mary Anne suggested that for future RHRA events, a useful marketing tool would be to have a portable sandwich board, similar to the folding advertising panels used by realtors, put down in the vicinity of the event in order to alert members of the public as to the significance of the RHRA.
- Status of the Regal Heights Review (Brigid): no report made.
4 – Police Community Partnership
- Update on latest developments (Rosa): no report tabled.
5 – Street Beautification Programs
- Gardening update (Mary Anne): Mary Anne asked about where to purchase daffodil bulbs. With Richard Kavanaugh it was determined that a purchase of 200 bulbs would be appropriate. Planting the bulbs should take place in late October, with a firm date to be determined.
6 – Community Welcome Project (Harry)
no new households to be welcomed this past month.
7 – Finances (Linda):
no report made.
Next meeting to be held October 18 2022