Executive Meeting Minutes May 2021

Tuesday, May 18 2021, 7:00 – 9:00 pm

Meeting hosted by Zoom

Present: Dave Meslin, Rosa Cordiano, Linda DeGiorgio, Margaret Smith, Nicholas Gallant, Harry Lay, Julie Dzerowicz M.P., Lorna Hawrysh, Michelle Senayeh

Regrets: John Keating, Peter Norman, Mary Anne Quance

1 – Reports from local representatives

  1. M.P. Julie Dzerowicz, reported on a variety of initiatives undertaken by the federal government including the vaccination campaign, the pending budget and its transit subsidies for Toronto infrastructure, the overview of long-term care standards, modernization of the Broadcast Act, and the government’s interest in requiring an Environmental Assessment of the proposed Highway 413. Lorna Hawrysh asked for more information regarding subsidization of private home upgrades for energy efficiency.
  2. Nicholas Gallant, from Councillor Ana Bailão‘s office, reported on the current Garden Suites study being carried out by the City and a pending June 17 meeting about the Winona St. Clair construction Hub. Margaret Smith asked that the meeting agenda be circulated in advance of June 17 and contended that each of the three condominium developments at that location should have already been obliged to prepare a Traffic Impact Study (Note, the transportation studies submitted by these developments can be found on the RHRA website HERE, HERE and HERE). Margaret’s also asked about an assessment of traffic across a broader area. Nicholas responded by saying that he would ask Transportation Services for a response.

2 – Projects and events

  1. There was no consensus for having a June meeting of the Executive or Association.
  2. Spring public report –  some finishing content is still outstanding and incomplete. It was felt that distribution of the report should conform to John Keating‘s area map, timed for postal delivery in a month’s time. It was suggested that a list of businesses and their websites currently open and operating in our BIA be appended to the report; the report should be delivered to these same businesses, and the owners informed of the RHRA’s concern for their livelihood in this time of COVID lockdown. It was also suggested that mention be made of the Laneways Initiative so that the readership might understand better the origins of any improvements that might be initiated in the months ahead. Photography of some of our neglected laneways might further this agenda if included in the report.
  3. Introduced by Nicholas Gallant, Michelle Senayeh of the Laneway Project spoke about how neglected public spaces such as laneways could be improved. The Project is a not-for-profit initiative undertaken by a group of architects, engineers, industrial designers and planners. It partners with community organizations to effect improvements to public laneways. Examples were shown of lanes in the Moss Park and Leslieville neighbourhoods, where tree planting, public art, and low-maintenance garden planters had been installed. Further information can be obtained from Nicholas in Ana Bailão’s office about how the RHRA could partner in such an initiative.

3 – Communications and Planning

  1. Communications (Peter Norman) – deferred.
  2. Participants wanted for Official Plan review – the attendees were asked to respond if any further volunteers were available.
  3. Multi-tenant Housing Workshop report: Rosa indicated that the regulation of “rooming houses” was very much a situation of local context (e.g., rooming houses springing up around colleges and universities) and that regulation was subject to a myriad of rules, many of which date from pre-amalgamation Toronto. This workshop is to be followed by further consultation and recommendations to Toronto City Council. Nicholas Gallant is to post the Rooming House survey and the results concluded by the City planner responsible.
  4. Lowering speed limits on internal streets: Lorna Hawrysh pointed out the matter of discrepancies in the speed limits on Regal Road and Springmount Avenue, asking if lowering the speed limit to 30 km/h would be in the interest of public safety. Nicholas Gallant responded by noting that the Toronto East York Community Council is poised to pass such legislation for Ward 9 to lower the speed limit to 30 km/h for “local” roads. Neither Oakwood Avenue nor Dufferin Street would be subject to this change: http://app.toronto.ca/tmmis/viewAgendaItemHistory.do?item=2021.TE25.20

4 – Police Community Partnership

  1. Update on latest developments (Rosa): Rosa will be attending the upcoming meeting on June 14.

5 – Street Beautification Programs

  1. Gardening update (Mary Anne) – deferred.

6 – Community Welcome Project (Harry)

  1. Harry reported that no new households to be welcomed this past month. If you know of a new neighbour who has moved into their Regal Heights home or apartment recently please send details to rhra@regalheights.ca and Harry will connect with one of our Welcome Packages.

7 – Finances (Linda):

  1. Linda indicated that there has been no change in finances this past month, other than a couple of donations made by individuals to the RHRA for which no updated accounting has yet been made.