2021 Events in Regal Heights

Here is a list of dates in 2021 for events hosted by the RHRA. Agendas for all meetings will be posted here about a week in advance of the meeting and links will be here to meeting minutes after the fact. Please note times may change, so check back here closer to the dates for more events and details.

In March of 2020 with the onset of the pandemic, your RHRA quickly pivoted to providing most of our events through virtual means, or outside with social distancing. As we proceed throgh 2021 we we assess as time goes on when it will be appropriate to begin holding in-person events such as our famous Pub Nights.

For an archive of events in 2018 and before: CLICK HERE

For an archive of events in 2019: CLICK HERE

For an archive of events in 2020: CLICK HERE

To help with an event, contact John Keating (johnpkeating@gmail.com)
To join the RHRA, contact Dave Meslin (dave@pigeonhat.ca)

January 19th
Executive Meeting
Via ZOOM (contact John Keating for link)
Meeting Agenda (Jan./21)

Meeting Minutes (Jan./21)
February 16th
Executive Meeting
Via ZOOM (contact John Keating for link)
Meeting Agenda (Feb./21)

Meeting Minutes (Feb./21)
February 25th
Pub Night
Check back here closer to the event to confirm whether we will be live with Pub Nights yet or not.
March 16th
Executive Meeting
Via ZOOM (contact John Keating for link)
Meeting Agenda (Mar./21)

Meeting Minutes (Mar./21)
March Regal Heights Maple Syrup making.
Got a maple tree on your property? Join us in tapping some sap! Don’t have a tree? Then volunteer to do some of the boiling down. This is becoming a great annual tradition. Everyone involved gets a bottle of Regal Heights Maple Syrup of their own. Watch for details!
April 20th 7pmExecutive Meeting
Via ZOOM (contact John Keating for link)
Meeting Agenda (Apr./21)

Meeting Minutes (April/21)
April 29
Pub Night
Check back here closer to the event to confirm whether we will be live with Pub Nights yet or not.
April 24
10 am
Neighbourhood clean up day and garden maintenance. 
Join thousands across the city and help clean up litter left over from the winter. We provide bags and free leather gloves. We also need help cleaning our public gardens. Bring a rake and join the fun! Meet at the OCI parking lot.
Regal Heights Plant and Seed Swap
Check back here closer to the event to confirm whether we will be live with this year’s Seed Swap
May 19th
RHRA General Public Meeting
Check back here closer to the event to confirm whether we will be live with this meeting or be meeting over Zoom
Meeting Agenda (May./21)

Meeting Minutes (May/21)
June 24 
6:30 pm
Pub Night
Check back here closer to the event to confirm whether we will be live with Pub Nights yet or not.
July 1, 2021,
10 am
Canada Day Parade. 

Aug 26th
Pub Night
Check back here closer to the event to confirm whether we will be live with Pub Nights yet or not.
September 21th
Executive Meeting
Location TBA and/or virtually over Zoom Check back here closer to the date

October 19th
Executive Meeting
Location TBA and/or virtually over Zoom Check back here closer to the date
October 28th
Pub Night
Check back here closer to the event to confirm whether we will be live with Pub Nights yet or not.

Fall Gardens Clean Up
Meet at the Rosmount gardens (close to the OCI parking lot) at noon!
October 23rd
Pumpkin Carving Event
at the Santa Chiara Parkette (corner of Northcliffe and St. Clair)
Read the full event report HERE

October 16th
Daffodil Hill Planting and Cleanup
The annual planting and cleanup of Daffodil Hill is coming up. Please bring gloves and shovels for planting daffodil bulbs and garbage pickup.
November 16th
Annual General Meeting
Everyone Welcome.
December 2nd
Pub Night
Our annual holiday-themed pub night held in conjunction with our friends in the Northcliffe Village RA. A visit from Santa and treats for the kids are highlights of this event.

December 17th
Community Carol Sing.
A Regal Heights Christmas tradition. Meet in front of Oakwood Collegiate Institute for Christmas carols and other seasonal songs.