Daffodil Hill Planting 2020

Daffodil Hill will soon have more daffodils than ever!

Event Invitation: 

Join your neighbours for a morning of beautification. Hundreds of bulbs have been donated to refresh the hill. Meet on Sunday morning November 8th at 10 am at Daffodil Hill — just east of the NE corner of Dufferin and Davenport — to join your neighbours at this annual beautification activity.

Event Report: 

Volunteers make Daffodil Hill ready for next spring

A dozen volunteers turned up in the glorious sunshine on Saturday, November 8 to clear trash and plant bulbs on Daffodil Hill.

The hill, along Davenport Ave. on the south side of Regal Road School, is one of the longest-running projects from the Regal Heights Residents’ Association. Over the years, association members and other volunteers have planted thousands of daffodils, making the slope come alive with colour every spring. 

Earlier, another crew of volunteers cut brush and planted Redbud tree seedlings along the front edge of the hill.

Among Saturday’s volunteers were Davenport MPP Marit Stiles and her constituency assistant Peter Gatti. There was some tough digging among the tree roots, but by the end, the group had planted clusters of flower bulbs along the whole length of the slope.

Many thanks to Richard Cavanaugh for organizing the event and to Peter Norman for the publicity. And a special thanks to the volunteers. We simply could not do it without you.


Memories of Daffodil Hill Plantings Past!

Memories of Daffodil Hill Plantings Past!
Memories of Daffodil Hill Plantings Past!
Memories of Daffodil Hill Plantings Past!
Memories of Daffodil Hill Plantings Past!
Memories of Daffodil Hill Plantings Past!
Memories of Daffodil Hill Plantings Past!
Memories of Daffodil Hill Plantings Past!
Memories of Daffodil Hill Plantings Past!
Memories of Daffodil Hill Plantings Past!
Memories of Daffodil Hill Plantings Past!
Memories of Daffodil Hill Plantings Past!
Memories of Daffodil Hill Plantings Past!
Memories of Daffodil Hill Plantings Past!
Memories of Daffodil Hill Plantings Past!
Memories of Daffodil Hill Plantings Past!
Memories of Daffodil Hill Plantings Past!
Memories of Daffodil Hill Plantings Past!
Memories of Daffodil Hill Plantings Past!
Memories of Daffodil Hill Plantings Past!
Memories of Daffodil Hill Plantings Past!
Memories of Daffodil Hill Plantings Past!
Memories of Daffodil Hill Plantings Past!
Memories of Daffodil Hill Plantings Past!
Memories of Daffodil Hill Plantings Past! Memories of Daffodil Hill Plantings Past! Memories of Daffodil Hill Plantings Past! Memories of Daffodil Hill Plantings Past! Memories of Daffodil Hill Plantings Past! Memories of Daffodil Hill Plantings Past! Memories of Daffodil Hill Plantings Past! Memories of Daffodil Hill Plantings Past! Memories of Daffodil Hill Plantings Past! Memories of Daffodil Hill Plantings Past! Memories of Daffodil Hill Plantings Past! Memories of Daffodil Hill Plantings Past! Memories of Daffodil Hill Plantings Past! Memories of Daffodil Hill Plantings Past! Memories of Daffodil Hill Plantings Past! Memories of Daffodil Hill Plantings Past! Memories of Daffodil Hill Plantings Past! Memories of Daffodil Hill Plantings Past! Memories of Daffodil Hill Plantings Past! Memories of Daffodil Hill Plantings Past! Memories of Daffodil Hill Plantings Past! Memories of Daffodil Hill Plantings Past! Memories of Daffodil Hill Plantings Past! Flowers