At the most recent RHRA Executive meeting we heard a deputation from member of the Regal Road Parent Council on the matter of the use of outdoor space for outdoor learning. The council intends to make use of the lawns in front the school and brought this to our attention as a courtesy. The RHRA Executive unanimously voted to support the Parent Council in these efforts.
Below is an update form the Council:
To help slow the spread of COVID-19, Regal Road Junior Public School plans to utilize its outdoor spaces (including a portion of the front lawn) to promote outdoor learning. Through teacher and parent volunteers, we have already made great process in preparing for the new school year.
We are happy to have the support of the Regal Heights Residents Association. As we continue to explore larger initiatives, we welcome and look forward to partnership opportunities with members of our community to support the beautification of our school grounds and learning opportunities throughout the neighbourhood. For more information, please contact our school council at
Warm Regards, Adam Miller & Jaelyn Galbraith, Regal Road School Council