Its an unprecedented time for our community as we wait out the ravages of the Coronavirus on our public health system and our economy. Meanwhile your RHRA will continue to keep you informed of local initiatives that may assist us getting through this. Read on….
COVID-19 Situation: Keep Informed
Canada – Federal:
Ontario – Provincial:
Toronto – City:
Let’s help each other during the COVID-19 outbreak
During the current epidemic, some people in our community will have to self-isolate. They may need help with everyday things like grocery shopping, wheeling out the garbage bin, or picking up medication. They might just need to talk to a sympathetic listener on the phone.
The Regal Heights Residents’ Association wants to make that easier. We’ve set up a public Facebook group to connect volunteers with people who need a little help during the outbreak. Go to the “Regal Heights COVID-19 Help Group”
There are two ways to help:
1) Join our Facebook group: Please begin your post with the word OFFERING HELP. Post what street you live on and the kind of help you can give (shopping, recycling bin, talk over the phone etc.) We’ll encourage people to check the site and contact you by Direct Message.
2) Postcards: Not everyone is on Facebook so we have a postcard on the group page that you can download and print out. Fill in your information and what help you can offer, then drop in the mailbox of neighbour who you think might need it. Download your postcard HERE
Go to the Facebook group page:
1) If you see someone near you who is offering the help you need, Direct Message them to set it up; or
2) Post a message asking for help. Please start your post with NEED HELP and describe what you need and what street you live on; or
If you get a postcard from a neighbour offering to help, contact them directly.

This health crisis will go much better if we all take care of one another.
Don’t forget about local businesses during the COVID crisis
Local businesses need your support more than ever during the epidemic.
But some businesses may have to reduce their hours or impose other restrictions.
To help you know where things stand, the Regal Heights Village BIA will be updating information on its Facebook page at
and on its website at
And should any of RHRA members need assistance accessing services or government resources during this time, the BIA is offering to do its best to facilitate getting the information and services they need.

Hi I don’t have Facebook and can assist. Groceries or help with those in need
Carrie clark