October 2019 Executive Meeting Minutes

Tuesday, October 15th, 2019, 7:00 p.m.
2 Glenholme Ave. Home of Harry Lay

Attending: Harry Lay (chair), Peter Norman, Mary Anne Quance, Richard Cavanagh, Marie Goldthorpe, Margaret Smith, Linda DeGiorgio, Brigid Higgins, Florence Watts, Carol Gallagher (recorder)

Regrets: John Keating, Dave Meslin, Marco Dezi

1 – Projects and events

Ideas and location for AGM in November
Harry Lay indicated that a location is needed for the AGM in November. It was agreed that he and John Keating would approach the Garrison Creek Health Centre to see if they can provide the space for free as was done last year. If cost and availability of time slot are not workable, then they will follow up with the Dufferin St. Clair Library. As in the past there will be light refreshments.

Florence Watts proposed that we invite a guest speaker on the topic of garbage reduction and proper recycling. Margaret Smith will contact Ana Bailão’s office to see if the City can arrange this. Dave Meslin and John Keating will prepare the PowerPoint and a schedule of the upcoming year’s events. It was suggested that the AGM include an invitation for feedback on the process of informing and consulting residents on significant issues that affect the neighbourhood.

Rosemount/Oakwood traffic light update
Marco Dezi (Ana Bailão’s office) was absent so it was reported that John Keating would follow up with the Councillor’s office for an update on the application. As Marco indicated at the last meeting, the newly established department in charge of this request will get to the matter when it can. It is hoped that the community will be consulted as the application moves forward.

Federal candidates meeting recap
Harry Lay reported that the Candidates Debate on October 2nd, moderated by Dave Meslin, was very successful. The timed-answer format had worked well, with candidates each answering three questions predetermined by the BIA with a few additional questions randomly selected from the audience. There was representation by the Green Party, the PPC, the Liberals, the NDP and an Independent candidate. Suggestions for next time include providing time for rebuttal and publicly circulating the predetermined questions in advance.

Another All-Candidates Meeting would be held on Thursday, October 17th at the J. J. Piccinini Centre, moderated by Margaret Smith.

Update on Syrian family
John Keating submitted a written update on the United Neighbours project to sponsor a second Syrian family arriving on October 21st. The group has secured an apartment, furnished by donations and has raised almost $60,000 for the family’s first year in Canada. Monetary donations are still being accepted. They still need curtains for all the rooms (roughly 83-86 inches high). Contact John at johnpkeating@gmail.com if you can help.

Pumpkin Carving Event on Oct. 26. Volunteers needed
John Keating submitted a written announcement that the seasonal highlight of pumpkin carving at the Santa Chiara Parkette is fast approaching. Volunteers are needed to help the kids with the supplies. This will be held rain or shine from 1-4pm, run jointly with Northcliffe Village Residents’ Association, with help from the Regal Heights Village BIA. John will secure the pumpkins for the event. The announcement has been posted on the RHRA website and has been circulated to our residents.

2 – Street Beautification

Gardens, graffiti, garbage and Fall Garden Clean Up reminder
Mary Anne Quance reported that the neighbourhood garden clean-up would be held on Saturday, October 19th, from 10-noon, meeting at the Oakwood CI parking lot.

Harry Lay will contact Ana Bailão’s office to confirm the dates for upcoming city street-sweeping, especially now that the fall leaves are accumulating by the curbs. It was suggested that residents could be advised to move cars on specific dates to facilitate the street-sweeping.

Daffodil Hill Planting and Cleanup

Richard Cavanagh noted that the Daffodil Hill bulb planting will be on Sunday, November 3rd, starting at 10 a.m. Florence Watts has secured 400 bulbs to replenish the hill. The newly built wall along the bottom of the hill was discussed.

3 – Police Community Partnership

Rosa Cordiano was absent. Item deferred.

4 – Communications

Communications Report
Peter Norman reported that announcements continue to be posted regularly to publicize various upcoming events. Social media platforms are also being used to create interactive content. Peter has been posting the RHRA business on NextDoor Regal Heights, the new social media platform presented by Natalie Zend at the September 2019 RHRA Executive meeting.

Peter also discussed and requested more material of local “Neighbourhood Lore” stories for the website. Submissions are welcome.

He noted that the next Pub Night is approaching on October 24th.

As a followup to an action item identified in the September meeting, Peter has reformatted the Welcome Letter that Beth Marcilio distributes to new residents to Regal Heights.

Update on Regal Heights Newsletter
Brigid Higgins reported that the newsletter is coming along well with approximately 7,000 words for print and a good number of photos. Roy Urbach will help with the layout when the time comes. Dave Meslin has done the costing for delivery by Canada Post and will obtain pricing for the printing. Brigid will follow up with Dave on sizing of the publication with respect to cost. Options were discussed for publishing surplus material if the format cannot accommodate all the submissions. The date of publication is pending, but the priority is to publish the 2020 calendar of events and a few preliminary stories before year-end with a run of approximately 1,200 copies.

5 – Community Welcome Project

Harry Lay reported that he and Beth Marcilio have recently sent out 6 packages to new residents of Regal Heights.

6 – Finances

Linda DeGiorgio provided the figures listed below for October 2019. Linda reported that the major expenses in the month were reimbursements for expenses incurred as part of this past summer’s Street Party event.

  September 2019 October 2019
Operating Fund 8,903  6,580
Heritage Fund 276  276
Street Sale Fund 192  192
Petty Cash 226  163
TOTAL 9,597  7,211

Next meeting: Annual General Meeting, Tuesday, November 19th, 2019 6:50pm. Location TBA.