RHRA Policy on Planning and Development Matters

There is currently a proposal before the RHRA executive to consder a motion to adopt a formal policy on planning and development matters. The motion would formalize what has, in practice, long been the unofficial position of the RHRA. The motion is based on the position that the RHRA represents all residents and, as such, collects and transmits information on all matters of interest to the neighbourhood without taking a position regarding matters on private property. The motion reads as follows:

“Whereas the Regal Heights Residents’ Association (RHRA) represents all residents within our catchment area; and

Whereas the RHRA serves primarily to make life better in the beautiful community of Regal Heights; and

Whereas the RHRA has been entrusted by a large proportion of its residents to communicate information directly to residents and to provide a reliable and trustworthy link between our residents and public officials and entities; and

Whereas the RHRA finds itself in a position to assemble information from public officials and entities on matters that affect private property within its area and is committed to sharing that information transparently with its residents.

Be It Resolved that;

1.       On planning policy matters that affect private property, RHRA will commit to sharing all relevant information with its residents, but will not adopt, officially or unofficially, any advocacy position on said matters; and

2.       On development matters that affect private property, RHRA will commit to sharing all relevant information with its residents, but will not adopt, officially or unofficially, any advocacy position on said matters; and

3.       That the RHRA will not initiate or pursue any strategy or policy that seeks to impose controls on the use of private property within its catchment area; and

4.       Notwithstanding the above, that the RHRA will encourage any groups of residents that may from time to time take on such advocacy positions on such matters, to update the RHRA on their activities during executive or public meetings and that the RHRA with its discretion share any and all relevant information related to or provided by such groups to its residents.”

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Development Policy