February 2019 Executive Meeting Minutes

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Regal Heights Residents’ Association

Executive Meeting

Tuesday, February 19, 2019

15 Lauder Ave

Present:  John Keating, Dave Meslin, Florence Watts, Peter Norman, Kevin Johnston, Brigit Higgins, Harry Lay, Marie Goldthorpe, Jeff Warden, Carol Gallagher, Rebeccah Love, Mary Anne Quance, Manuel Lomba (Ana Bailão’s office)

Regrets: Beth Marcillo, Linda DeGiorgio, Rosa Cordiano

1.  Development strategy update

Kevin Johnston recapped last month’s presentation by Chris Dunn on preserving the character of Regal Heights. He reviewed three main avenues for action. The first is to secure a historical preservation designation, an expensive option that also imposes restrictions on homeowners. The second is to seek a geographic designation for Garrison Creek, a plan that Chris thought unlikely to succeed. The third and most promising approach involves proactively and collaboratively creating a plan for what residents wish their neighbourhood to be. A starting point is to examine the documents from the 49-51Springmount TLAB hearing, which recorded in detail some of the highly valued qualities of the neighbourhood. It was suggested to meet, if possible, with the outside planner and the local City planner involved in the TLAB hearing to learn more from their assessment of the neighbourhood. Kevin suggested forming a subcommittee to explore ideas. John Keating will reach out to the planners to try to set up a meeting with interested residents.

2. Street Beautification

a) Gardens, graffiti, garbage

Dave Meslin has proposed a pumpkin patch for the Rosemount gardens. In the spring John Keating and Dave will confer with Mary Anne Quance and find the best spot for the planting.

(All other discussion deferred)

b) Replacement of willow with memorial tree

John Keating and Kevin Johnston reported on progress for the memorial tree for Anne Marie D’Amico to be planted at the corner of Springmount and Rosemount. Plans include designing a plaque and working with the City to landscape and upgrade the site. Manuel Lomba will report back on what help the City can provide. The RHRA will consider spending up to $100 for a larger sapling. The target date for planting is around the Easter weekend and volunteers will be needed for the site work. Please contact John if you would like to help.

c) Tree For Me

Harry Lay reported that we qualify to apply for a grant to get more trees under the Tree For Me program to give away for planting on private properties in the area. Once again, St. Matthew’s United Church has agreed to be our registered charity partner to receive and disburse the grant money on our behalf. Harry is finalizing the application for submission (April deadline).

d) $25,000 waste reduction grant

John Keating reported on grants available for innovative neighbourhood waste reduction plans projects (March 1st deadline.) Dave Meslin proposed applying for a small grant to purchase a set of 50 plastic plates and cups to use at events instead of take-out coffee cups and containers. It was also suggested that we create an initiative to educate neighbours on proper waste disposal and that we coordinate new ideas with existing efforts (for example, Earth Day parade, Neighbourhood Clean-up Day, City Composting Day). John will contact Shannon Hancocks who is already active in this regard. Please forward any ideas to John.

3. Communications and Planning

a) Communications

Peter Norman reported that the website is operating well. It was suggested that the Regal Heights Facebook page be shut down so all efforts can be concentrated instead on the Regal Heights Facebook Group. There are 63 people now in the Regal Heights Facebook Group and anyone in the neighbourhood can ask to join. The group postings are a good way for people to discuss events and points of personal interest. It was suggested that we use the RHRA email list to send an invitation to join the Facebook group. Dave Meslin will look into this further.

b) Traffic Light initiative update

Kevin Johnston and Manuel Lomba provided an update on the matter of a traffic light at Oakwood and Rosemount. Ana Bailão’s office succeeded in expediting the application, which was approved on January 30th. The recently installed mobile electronic speed sign will remain intermittently for stretches of time until the permanent light can be installed, possibly during the summer. Manuel explained that the ward has five electronic signs that are rotated over several intersections so there may be some weeks during which the light is removed for use elsewhere in the ward.  

c) Update on Regal Heights Newsletter

Dave Meslin reported that he is organizing a meeting at his home, 15 Lauder, on Thursday, March 21, for three one-hour planning sessions for the street party, maple syrup event and the newsletter. More information is coming on the exact time slots for each item.

d) TANGO – new community association group

Dave Meslin provided an overview of the latest initiative of TANGO, the Toronto Atlas of Neighbourhood Groups and Associations, which he is creating through grant funding. He is organizing a symposium on April 6th at City Hall for representatives of up to 200 neighbourhood groups to connect and foster city-wide networks. Rebeccah Love outlined her ongoing work on the project to verify the status of 200 groups, collect contact info and invite 2-3 representatives per group to attend the symposium. There is a link to the TANGO map on the RHRA website.

e) RVABIA – deferred

4.  Police Community Partnerships – deferred

5. Special Events

a) Joint Family Games Night – March 14

John announced another games night in March, and he has connected with the Northcliffe Village Residents’ Association to create a joint night out with a group rate of $4 per person.

b) Street Sale

Kevin Johnston proposed that we join with other neighbourhoods for a giant street sale in June 2020 to draw as many people as possible to our neighbourhood, whether that be to cover more streets or to concentrate highly along a few streets. More brainstorming will follow.

c) Fundraising Jazz Concert

John Keating distributed flyers for a jazz benefit concert on March10th at 4:30 pm to raise funds to sponsor a Syrian family arriving in Toronto this summer. John asked for volunteers to help publicize the concert. Please contact John if you can help with this effort.

6. Community Welcome Project

Harry Lay continues to collect information about new arrivals to the neighbourhood to give them a welcome package. Please give names and/or addresses of new arrivals to Harry.

7. Finances

Linda DeGiorgio was absent but had provided the numbers in advance of the meeting:

  January 15, 2019 February 17, 2019
Operating Fund 9,839.89 9839.80
Heritage Fund 276 276
Street Sale Fund 192 192
Petty Cash 260 226
TOTAL 10,567.89 10,533.89

8. New Business

a) Report from Councillor’s office

Manuel Lomba confirmed that the Councillor’s office has provided updated materials for the Welcome Packages including waste management calendars. Manuel also reported that there is an upcoming public meeting to discuss the proposed changes to the intersection of Springmount and Regal Road. The City will publish specific information for the meeting soon and the RHRA will notify residents.

b) Laneway for Ed McIlwain

Florence Watts reported on the application to name the laneway from Oakwood behind Regal Road in memory of long-time resident Ed McIlwain. The application process is nearly complete and a date for the naming ceremony will soon be fixed and publicized.

c) Zoning Bylaw review of proposed development of 861 St. Clair West

Harry Lay reported that for the proposed development at St. Clair and Winona there are 19 variances requested by the developer, some of which are major variances. Regal Heights will share information relevant to that proposed development on its website to keep residents abreast of the proposal. There is a public meeting on the proposed development scheduled to be held on March 5th at Oakwood Collegiate. Councillor Bailão will be in attendance.

Meeting Adjourned at 8:45 pm

Next Meeting Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Location TBA