Regal Heights Residents’ Association Executive Meeting
Tuesday, April 17, 7 pm, 57 Regal Road
Present: John Keating (chair), Marie Goldthorpe, Florence Watts, Rosa Cordiano, Margaret Smith, Richard Cavanagh, Dave Meslin, Mary Anne Quance, Peter Norman
Regrets: Beth Marcilio, Harry Lay, Carol Gallagher
1. Street Beautification
- Gardens: Mary Anne confirmed that the garden cleanup will happen on the Cleanup Day, Saturday, April 21. She has a $600 gift certificate to Plant World donated by Enbridge to replant the garden lost in last summer’s gas line project. The first priority for the season is repairs to the irrigation system. John will explore the leaks on May 9 and buy the necessary parts. Mary Anne will organize call-out anyone interested in gardening to create a list of people we can call on. She will consider whether to offer a prize to a randomly chosen gardener as an incentive to join in. Margaret will approach the BIA about a possible prize donation. We should also consider asking if students want to help as part of their volunteer hours. John will approach OCI principal Steve Yee.
- Regal Heights Maple Syrup: Dave reported that he put five taps on three trees in the neighbourhood and with the help of enthusiastic neighbours, he boiled it down to produce several litres of syrup. Melissa Frew designed a label for the bottles and people who helped are getting a share. Dave was also interviewed about the project on the CBC Radio show hosted by Gill Deacon.
- The Glenholme Steps Abacus: Dave reported that someone had removed the abacus from its pole at the top of the Glenholme Steps and put it back at a lower position. Dave put up a note asking who did it and why. Someone responded that the “did it for the kids.” Dave speculates that the mystery person wanted to make the abacus more accessible for children. Dave says it’s a good thing that people feel ownership of the installation and modifying it is a kind of neighbourhood collaboration. He will also consider creating a neighbourhood chalkboard.
- Tree Damage at Regal Road School: John reported that during a digging operation to install a new electrical service in front of the school, the contractor sliced through the roots of three trees. The contractor did not seek the necessary permits or create a tree exclusion zone as required by the City. Harry Lay and Trevor Whiteside noticed and complained to the school board. That resulted at a meeting with Richard Christie, the board’s Senior Manager, Sustainability. Harry, Trevor and John expressed their disappointment and asked that the school board put measures in place to prevent a similar incident in the future. Harry also suggested the board begin dealing only with bonded contractors. Richard agreed to consider it.
2. Planning, community and communications
- Communications Update: Peter reported that the number of subscribers to the RHRA email list is holding firm at just under 400. A few quit the service each month but a few new ones join. He continues to add new features and enhancements to the site. Residents are encouraged to check it out at
- Regal-Springmount Parkette Update: The City of Toronto Project Manager Robert Mays presented his plan for reconfiguration of the intersection of Regal Rd. and Springmount Ave. at a meeting on March 20. Dave and John reported that all present at the meeting supported the plan and the process has begun to make it a reality as soon as possible. The plan calls for a temporary reconfiguration using painted lines and plastic bollards. Robert also proposed strips of hardy grass in place of the typical line markings behind the bollards. Councillor Palacio is eager to make the changes permanent as soon as possible and wants the community’s support to do so. John is looking into this.
- Street Signs Marking Garrison Creek: John reported that over the past few months, he has been corresponding with the city regarding a request to install a few special street signs that would mark the approximate route of the old Garrison Creek through our neighbourhood. A design has now been chosen and work should get underway in the coming months. Click here to see an image of the new signs
- Request for Traffic Calming Study: John reported that the City has received our request for a study to add traffic calming measures to our neighbourhood. The councillor’s office says that request is working its way through the system and we will be notified about the decision.
4. Special Events
- Volunteer Service Awards: At a ceremony on April 7, the Province of Ontario bestowed its Ontario Volunteer Service Award to several people in Davenport Riding, including four long-time members of the RHRA: Harry Lay, Peter Norman, Severino Centritto and Art Dacks. Congratulations all!
- Victory in 49-51 Springmount Ave. issue: John reported for the record that the Toronto Local Appeal Board (TLAB) refused to overturn a decision by the City of Toronto Committee of Adjustment to deny an application for redevelopment of 49 and 51 Springmount Ave. Many members of the community appeared at the TLAB hearing and some gave evidence. The development proposal is now dead.
- Cleanup Day and Earth Day March: John reported that Cleanup Day will proceed Saturday, April 21, provided the snow has melted enough by then. It starts at 10 am at the Oakwood Collegiate (OCI) parking lot. The RHRA provides bags and free gloves. This year will also feature for the first time an Earth Day March. Meet in front of OCI at noon. Bring noisemakers and costumes if you have them and march through the neighbourhood street. Then join the drum circle at Regal Rad School.
- Update on All Candidates Meeting: Margaret reported that planning is well in hand for the provincial all-candidates meeting on May 16 from 7 – 9 pm. However, the Toronto school board has not been as cooperative as it should. It made an unexpected decision not to supply audio equipment and a technician. Margaret is pursuing alternatives. The format of the evening includes a set of questions from the community. Please let us know what issues concern you or suggest a question we can ask. Send your suggestions to Margaret at
- Planning for the RHRA Spring Meeting: John reported that he has confirmed the Dufferin/St. Clair Library as the site of the Spring Meeting on May 15. An informal meet-and-greet will begin at 6:30. The main business items will start at 7 pm and the meeting will end at 8:30 pm. Dave has offered to look after coffee for the meeting. John will invite our political representatives on the understanding that there will be no speeches, but they can interact with constituents during the meet-and-greet.
- Winter Carnival Planning: John reported that he met with Tony Bolla of the BIA and Siva Siva Swaminathan about Siva’s idea for a Winter Carnival in late January 2019. Tony has written a draft proposal outlining the project in broad terms, which he is circulating to the BIA. Look for calls for volunteers to form the planning committee.
- Pub Night Reminder: The next Pub Night is Thursday, April 26 at 6:30 at the Fox & Fiddle. Children are welcome and there’s a 25% discount on food!
5. Police Community Partnership:
- Rosa reported no one from the police showed up at the last meeting of the PCP. She says there is a problem in that there is no consistency in which community liaison officer attends, so there is no continuity about the issues. She reminded members that Superintendent Shaun Narine is now superintendent of 13 Division, following the transfer of Scott Baptist last October.
6. Community Welcome Project:
- Beth reported by email that there are four new welcome packages to deliver. She will take care of it when the snow clears.
7. Finances: deferred
8. Membership
- Dave reported that he is planning to launch his first online fundraising drive in the near future to support the work of the RHRA. Watch for notices about our fundraising drive.
9. BIA: deferred as no BIA rep attended the meeting.
10. New Business:
- None
Next Meeting: Tuesday May 15 at the Dufferin/St. Clair Library. Doors open 6:30. Business items begin at 7 pm