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Regal Heights Residents’ Association Executive Meeting

Monday March 19, 7 pm, 33 Regal Rd.

Present: John Keating (chair), Harry Lay, Marie Goldthorpe, Linda DeGiorgio, Florence Watts, Rosa Cordiano, Margaret Smith, Richard Cavanagh, Dave Meslin, Carol Gallagher (recorder), Manjeet Singh (Regal Heights BIA), Tara Wilkey (Carbon Conversations TO)

Regrets: Mary Anne Quance, Peter Norman, Beth Marcilio, Brigid Higgins

1.       Street Beautification

  1. Gardens: Mary Anne could not be present. Florence noted that City yard waste pick-up is resuming and suggested that those who look after the flower barrels around the neighbourhood could start to clean and prepare them for new planting. Some barrels are wearing out and affordable replacement options will be pursued.
  2. Regal Heights Maple Syrup: John reported that several trees have been tapped and the sap is running. A community boil-down event is tentatively planned (date tba) and the syrup will be sold to raise funds. Dave mentioned that volunteers are needed to boil down and refrigerate the sap until the day of the event. Dave will send more information through RHRA Communications.
  3. Tree for Me: Harry reported that the next Tree for Me plantings are ready but that there may be no new takers for trees at the moment given the past two plantings. Harry further noted that there is an outstanding complaint by a neighbourhood arborist regarding the careless and destructive treatment of trees on TDSB property during recent excavation work at Regal Road PS. Harry will follow up on this.

2.       Planning, community and communications

  1. Proposed development 49-51 Springmount Ave: Harry reported that the Toronto Local Appeal Board (TLAB) hearing was held on March 14. A city-appointed lawyer argued to uphold the earlier Committee of Adjustment decision to deny the proposed development. A number of community members presented statements arguing against the development. Several local residents attended the proceedings. The adjudicator is expected to render a written decision within two weeks of the hearing. CLICK HERE FOR MORE INFORMATION
  2. Springmount Parkette Initiative: Dave reported that an informal meeting with City staff was held at which time the City presented an alternative proposal for a parkette which includes green bump-outs along Regal Road and planting along Springmount. There was a public consultation meeting at the Dufferin-St. Clair Library on March 20 to get feedback from the Regal Heights community. CLICK HERE FOR MORE INFORMATION
  3. Laneway Naming: Florence provided an update on the procedure to have the laneway that runs west from Oakwood Ave. through to Regal Rd. named in honour of Ed McIlwain, long-time resident and father of Linda DeGiorgio. The owners of the abutting properties must be consulted, with 51% agreeing in order to have the proposal accepted. A small team will start canvassing after Easter. It may take up to a year for the ceremony to take place.
  4. Request for traffic calming in Regal Heights: John is following up with Cesar Palacio’s office on an outstanding request for traffic calming measures. Richard noted that there has been some police attention in the neighbourhood lately to enforce rules of the road.

4.       Special Events

  1. Regal Heights Street Sale Planned for June 16: Manjeet Singh reported that the Regal Heights BIA is planning some elements to add fun to the June 16th event. There may be funds available to support this year’s sale or to help make it an annual event. Robin Rutherford is handling the event for the BIA. Linda agreed to begin the process of advertising and to recruit help to collect funds street by street. Various ideas for advertising were suggested. Manjeet said that the BIA is still working to get access to the TTC Shelter boards which would make great spaces to advertise.
  2. Carbon Conversations TO: Guest speaker Tara Wilkie gave an overview of a 6-week program to promote awareness and action on climate change. The meetings will take place on Tuesday evenings from May 1 – June 6 at the Tollkeeper’s Cottage. The program provides a small-group setting for participants to explore practical ways to reduce their carbon footprint. Registration is required. The cost is $60 and includes a light dinner. Watch for emails coming soon with more information.
  3. All-Candidates Meeting: Margaret reported on planning which is underway for the All-Candidates Meeting at Oakwood Collegiate. The event will provide declared candidates running in the upcoming provincial election in the riding of Davenport an opportunity to communicate their positions. In addition to Margaret, the planning team also includes Tony Bolla (BIA), Maurice Williams (Northcliffe Village Residents’ Association) and Evan Castel (Davenport Neighbourhood Association). The date has been set for May 16 at 7:00 pm and the required permit application from the TDSB has been submitted. Margaret will contact the candidates as nominations for each party are finalized. Discussion ensued as to how many candidates to include on the panel and on the format of the evening. The executive decided to see how many candidates express and interest before deciding whether to limit the number of participants. Dave Meslin agreed to be the Moderator for the event. It was suggested that each sponsoring association have an information table in the foyer to promote their organization.
  4. Earth Hour: Florence reminded everyone that Earth Hour is March 24 and that all are asked to turn lights out at 8:30 for at least one hour.
  5. Pub Night: John reminded us that the next pub night is on April 26 from 6:30 – 8:30 at The Fox and Fiddle. Children are welcome.
  6. Commitment TO: John reported that Caleb Woolcott of Commitment TO Community has contacted the RHRA to ask how his organization can help the neighbourhood to be more fully involved in the electoral process. Suggestions included providing links for candidates, collating a list of candidates’ meetings, providing transportation for seniors to meetings and the polls, and providing volunteers to help with the All-Candidates Meetings. Margaret will contact Caleb regarding the upcoming All-Candidates Meeting.

5.       Police Community Partnership: 

  1. Rosa reported that traffic safety concerns are ongoing. There is a city-wide crackdown on traffic infractions but ideas for improved safety are needed. Division 13 has only 3 officers assigned to traffic safety, which means they are spread thin. The traffic remains unsafe at the start and end of the school day.
  2. Margaret further commented that clear information is needed for residents on how to report traffic accidents. The correct number to report an accident (without injury) is 416-808-2222.

6.       Community Welcome Project: 

  1. It was reported that Cesar Palacio’s office has a new information package and there are new welcome letters from Regal Rd. PS and from MP Julie Dzerowicz to include in the package. Harry reported that 2 packages have been delivered to 15 Lauder Ave.
  2. Two packages were distributed last month. Beth sent a letter to the principal of Regal Road School requesting some information about the school to include in the package. There has been no response to date.

7.       Finances:  Linda provided the following numbers:

Operating Fund: 5,604
Heritage Fund: 276
Street Sale: 192
Petty Cash: 272
TOTAL 6,344

8.       Membership 

  1. Update on membership pilot project: Dave reported that ideas are still being formulated for an annual fundraising appeal to replace the membership fee. The goal is to shift the focus from membership drives to outreach for fuller engagement in the neighbourhood. Ideas were discussed on how to build contact lists for residents to share information about events throughout the year. Dave plans to have a colour newsletter printed in collaboration with the BIA and delivered door-to-door.

9.       BIA:  Manjeet had nothing additional to report.

10.     New Business:

  1. Marie requested recommendations for good gas furnace providers. This is in light of gas meter replacements currently underway for selected households. Please forward any such recommendations to RHRA Communications. This is valuable consumer information in the event that the technician tags the furnace for replacement.
  2. Rosa reported that Freddie of Freddie’s No Frills has retired. The Loblaws Corporation will decide either to offer the store to another franchisee or to otherwise handle the property. The timeline is not clear for any decisions. The store is currently open for business as usual.

Next Meeting: Tuesday April 17 at 7:00  location TBA.