A New Event Idea – Regal Heights Winter Carnival – Share Your Thoughts

There is a proposal to begin a new RHRA event: a Winter Carnival. Here is a summary from the minutes of the AGM: Winter Carnival Proposal – Siva Swaminathan presented her proposal to host a “chase away the winter blues” neighbourhood event, modelled after European winter carnivals. She is looking for volunteers to help co-ordinate the event. Tony Bolla offered RHV-BIA assistance as they too are looking for ways to include the community. Volunteers can make their interest known by emailing rhra@regalheights.ca.

The following is an update message is from Siva:

We are thinking about reviving an old tradition that was part of the Regal Heights neighbourhood 20 years ago. We used to celebrate a “chase the winter blues away” afternoon with a parade around the neighbourhood, similar to the July 1st celebration, around the same time as other carnivals are taking place (early February – date to be determined). 

We are also thinking about making it more winter friendly and hosting a Winter Carnival in addition to this, similar to the tradition in Quebec or in Europe (Germany, Italy, Switzerland) with masks, costumes, food and music. 

If anyone is interested in being involved helping to organize such an event, please let us know as soon as possible. We are looking to put together an organizing committee. In addition, we will need volunteers for specific things such as making masks for the kids, helping out with music, food, games or activities for the kids. Please contact us as soon as possible. We are quite excited about getting the families and kids involved in a fun filled day in the neighbourhood.

What do you think of this idea? Send us an email (rhra@regalheights.ca) and let us know! Better yet, lets discuss it at this week’s Pub Night on Thursday night. Siva will be there to hear your thoughts.

Watch this space closely, I will keep posting new information about this possible event, dates and times for committee meetings etc. as these details emerge!

Here are some pictures from Winter Carnivals around the world

Here are some pictures from Winter Carnivals around the world
Here are some pictures from Winter Carnivals around the world
Here are some pictures from Winter Carnivals around the world
Here are some pictures from Winter Carnivals around the world
Here are some pictures from Winter Carnivals around the world Here are some pictures from Winter Carnivals around the world Here are some pictures from Winter Carnivals around the world Here are some pictures from Winter Carnivals around the world