October 2017 Executive Meeting Minutes

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Regal Heights Residents’ Association Executive Meeting
Tuesday October 17, 2017; 7 p.m. at 79 Regal Road

Present:  Richard Cavanagh, Rosa Cordiano , Linda DeGiorgio, John Keating (chair), Anita Kung (recorder), Harry Lay, Beth Marcilio, Dave Meslin,  Peter Norman, Siva Swaminathan, Margaret Smith, Florence Watts
Regrets:  Mary Anne Quance, Brigid Higgins

Street Beautification

  1. Fall clean-up reminder – John spoke on behalf of Mary Anne to remind people of the upcoming fall clean up of the Springmount Ave. gardens, Sunday October 22 at 11am.  The rain date is October 29. Volunteers are welcome to come out with your gloves and clippers for an hour to help prune the garden. More information here.
  2. Tree for Me event – Harry reported that for a second time this year, over  50 native sapling  trees were distributed to residents for planting on private property on October 14, 2017. This was a wonderful success to help keep our neighbourhood green. We look forward to another free tree drive next year. Summary and photos here.


Planning, zoning, transportation and communications

  1. Communications update – Peter reported that our newly revamped website receives approximately 75 visitors each day. It is now operated as an active information portal on important issues as they arise. Our email subscriber numbers have remained stable.
  2. Proposed development 49-51 Springmount – Harry reported that the variance application was denied at the committee of adjustments. The developers will have two further opportunities to appeal this decision. With the City mandate to increase densification these kinds of developments will increase in frequency as the Regal Heights location is ripe for redevelopment. RHRA needs to determine whether to remain as an impartial conduit of information about developments and the objection process or to be a more active advocate. John and Harry will discuss possible next steps. The Issue will be raised at the AGM in November. More information here.
  3. TTC time-based transfer initiative update – The RHRA and Regal Heights BIA met with a TTC representative to discuss reinstating the two-hour non-directional transfer on the St. Clair Streetcar line and expanding the program to the whole system. The TTC is in favour of the idea, but City Council must be persuaded to approve the projected cost. The group will now lobby the TTC Board to include a two-hour transfer on its list of proposed ridership improvements for the 2018 City budgeting process. The TTC board is expected to finalize its list of proposed initiatives at its meeting in November.
  4. New listing of residents’ associations in Toronto – an updated list of the residents’ associations in Toronto has been developed and is available from John if required.


Special Events

  1. Pub Night – Beth wishes to remind everyone of the next RHRA pub night will be held at the Fox and Fiddle on October 26th at 6:30 p.m. Children are welcome. There will be a 25% discount on food orders. Come and enjoy a meal while meeting some of your neighbours. A combined pub night with the Northcliffe Village Residents’ Association is planned for December 7, 2017. More information here.

Mark your calendars for pub nights planned for 2018:February 22, April 26, June 28, August 23, October 25, and December 6.

  1. Pumpkin Carving – residents are invited to come out and join the RHRA and Northcliffe residents’ association for an afternoon of pumpkin carving on Saturday October 28th from 2 to 4 pm in the Santa Clara parkette on the corner of St. Clair and Northcliffe. Posters were distributed for posting. More information here.
  2. Community welcome project – no new packages were distributed this past month.
  3. BIA offer of money and other help with RHRA events – suggestions included possible winter carnival parade and assistance with upcoming all-candidates meetings in the next couple of years. John will discuss further with the BIA. Visit the RHVBIA website here.
  4. Preparation for Annual General Meeting in November –  date Wednesday November 22, location to be confirmed. A request is in for the OCI cafeteria. Peter to send out an email to encourage volunteers to join the executive committee. Agenda to include: appearances by politicians representing the area, the development proposal for 49-51 Springmount, ward boundary changes, a proposed parkette development, winter carnival, revised membership/outreach pilot program.
  5. Pumpkin parade proposal – Siva Swaminathan attended the meeting with the proposal of organizing a pumpkin parade in the Regal Heights area. Discussion concluded that it is too late to organize for this year. John reported that the City of Toronto accepts applications for pumpkin parades in March to early October in 2018 as a method of waste diversion of pumpkins. Siva to liaise with organizers of upcoming parades scheduled for Nov. 1 of this year at Earlscourt Park, Wychwood Barns Park and Bartlett Parkette.
  6. Siva also proposed a winter carnival possibly for next February. She has agreed to begin looking into it and with help from John to create an organizing subcommittee.



  1. Bump out proposal – Dave raised idea of creating a bump out along Springmount to help with traffic control. He will bring it forward to AGM.
  2. Ward boundaries – Peter updated the group on the status of the revised City of Toronto ward boundaries, including the current appeal underway at the Ontario Municipal Board. Regal Heights will no longer be a part of a ward extending into Davenport as it is now, but will be part of a reported that the proposed changes to the ward boundaries are in the process of being appealed. More information here.
  3. Abacus at top of Glenholme steps – An abacus installation has appeared at the top of the Glenholme steps. It is used by the many people to count their trips as they walk or run up and down the steps for exercise.


Police community partnership
Rosa reported that Shaun Narine is the new superintendent for police Divisions 13 & 53. A provincially funded “reconnect community health care center” has opened up in the building next to St. Nicola Di Bari church. This is a service that provides help for seniors in their homes. The latest crime reports show that our neighbourhood continues to be one of the safest in Toronto, with break and enters being the most frequently reported crime. More information on the leadership changes at 13 division can be found here.


Finances Sept 19, 2017 Oct 17, 2017
Operating Fund $4,651 $4,796
Heritage Fund 276 276
Street Sale (in trust) 192 192
Petty Cash 180 180
Total $5,299 $5,449

Next Meeting:  Wednesday November 22, 2017, tentative location OCI cafeteria