Regal Heights Residence Association Executive Meeting Tuesday February 21, 2017.

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Regal Heights Residence Association Executive Meeting Tuesday February 21, 2017. 7 – 9 pm at 33 Regal Road

Present: Richard Cavanagh, Karen Collins (Ascot Daycare), Linda DeGiorgio, Marie Goldthorpe, Anita Kung (recorder), Harry Lay (chair), Beth Marcilio, Peter Norman, Margaret Smith, Robert Szachrajuk, Florence Watts
Regrets: John Keating

    1. Street Beautification
      1. General update – deferred

      2. Tree-For-Me community grant program
        – Harry reported that an application has been submitted on behalf of RHRA requesting a grant for 50 trees with a party event date of May 2nd. Once a response has been received we can start door knocking to see who would like a domestic species of trees planted in either their front or back yard.
      3. Thank you to Cohen and Master company</em> – John has written and sent a note of thanks to Cohen and Masters for their assistance in the pruning back and removal of branches from the Daffodil Hill trees. The hill looks much more presentable. Richard commented that further trees may soon die as the ash trees on the hill have become infested by the Ash borer beetle.
      4. Leaf removal – requests to have the leaves on the curbs in the RHRA neighbourhood have been made by Harry, John, Marie and Anita through written and phone requests. No response has been received. Thanks to the residents who have been clearing the storm drains of leaves to allow drainage during the snow thaw and rain. The leaves left over from the fall have been flattened, shredded, frozen and thawed and now present as a slippery fall hazard. Note: Transportation Services has since notified us that they may take action within the next month to rectify the matter.
      5. Canada 150 mural – Tony Bolla has contacted Harry with regards to request for RHRA assistance with the RHV BIA on efforts to create a historic wall mural somewhere in the BIA area. Location to be determined. It is too late to apply for the federal grant program. There is low appetite from the executive to pursue this course of action.


    1. Planning, zoning, construction and communications
      1. Communications – Peter reported that communications has been quiet this past month.
      2. Neighbourhood service directory update – no update yet to report.
      3. RHRA logo update – Harry reported that Melissa Frew, the graphic artist that has agreed to assist RHRA with the creation of an updated RHRA logo, is willing to meet with executive members to revisit and discuss ideas for the update.
      4. Bump out money – Amy Bodman and Julie Mah have been contacted to discuss releasing the monies in trust for other gardening ventures, specifically the cost of the Evergreen tree planted in the Northcliffe parkette. Both have consented to the release of the funds. $135 will be used towards the tree planting, the remainder will be transferred to the RHRA operating fund.
      5. 107 Westmount Avenue, minor variance application – an application has been received by the Committee of Adjustment for a variance to convert the property to a four-plex. This will involve creating increased number of parking spaces in the back. The neighbour who has brought this issue forward to RHRA has been finding the new owner open and co-operative in addressing his concerns.
      6. Report on new Daycare facility at OCI – Karen Collins of the Ascot Daycare gave a report on the move of the Ascot Daycare from Regal Road P.S. to Oakwood C.I. The daycare opened up last week at OCI. Renovations were made with the grant money from the EL4 fund. While the daycare takes in some 16 preschoolers, they have now received licensing to offer spots to care for 10 infants and up to 15 toddlers. Applications will be reviewed in March to start accepting them. Many thanks to Councillor Palacio and Trustee Marit Stiles for their assistance to keep the daycare in the neighbourhood. Information about the daycare can be found online, on Facebook, through Twitter and by email
      7. BIA and service directory – Margaret reported that the Regal Heights Village BIA (RHV BIA), which extends from Westmount Ave to Winona along St. Clair, is updating their presence on the web. There have been changes to the retail landscape on St. Clair so the service directory has been updated to reflect the changes. Visit to see the updates.
      8. RHRA events calendar – a calendar of events for the 2017 year was discussed and will be circulated to members once complete.


    1. Special Events
      1. Pub night reminder – the 1st RHRA pub night for 2017 will take place this Thursday February 23, 2017. All are welcome to come out and meet your neighbours while sharing a drink and food together.
      2. Community Welcome – two new residents have moved in, the addresses were given to Harry and Beth.
      3. Bike Clinic – item deferred
      4. Garden show – date to be determined for one day in June. Florence has agreed to co-ordinate this but has concerns that there might be too much during that month with the Canada Day parade July 1st and the Street party in June. To be discussed again next meeting once date of street party is known.


    1. Police Community partnership
      1. Robert reported on the minutes from the December Police Community Partnership 13 Division (PCP13) meeting. Overall crime is down in the 13 Division in relation to the same point last year with regards to break and enters, sexual assaults and gun violence. Nothing specific to our RHRA was mentioned. A link to the police/school protocol was provided where a document describing in full the responsibilities of police and the school and fully defines “lock down”, “hold in place” etc can be viewed at on the TPS website. In the event that crossing guards call in sick or are unable to cover their shift, the Toronto Police services will fill in to ensure the crosswalk is monitored during morning drop off, lunch hours and afternoon pick-up.


    1. Finances and Membership
      1. Membership update – item deferred
      2. Finances
        Finances January 17, 2017 February 21, 2017
        Operating Fund $3,380 $3,554
        Heritage Fund 276 276
        Mt Royal Bump-out (in trust) 745 745
        Street Sale (in trust) 192 192
        Petty Cash 160 180
        Total $4,743 $4,947


  1. Other
    1. An Earlscourt Park Canada Day celebration will be hosted on June 30, July 1 & 2nd by the Portugese community. As the park is already permitted to this group, Councillor Palacio is still looking to try to host some form of his annual Canada BBQ. Details to be determined.
    2. Dick Watts Steps sign at the bottom of the steps – has been installed on a pole at the bottom of the Dick Watts Steps at Davenport Rd. The sign has a similar font to the plaque in the sidewalk at the top of the stairs. Comments were made that the sign seemed to have been installed at a lofty height.

Next Meeting: Tuesday March 21, 2017 at the home of Beth Marcilio, 79 Regal Road at 7 pm.