Regal Heights Residents’ Association Executive Meeting Tuesday January 12, 2016

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Regal Heights Residents’ Association Executive Meeting Tuesday January 12, 2016 7 p.m. Home of Florence Watts, 57 Regal Road
Present: Linda DeGiorgio, Marie Goldthorpe, Harry Lay, John Keating (Chair), Anita Kung (recorder), Beth Marcilio, Dave Meslin, Peter Norman, Margaret Smith, Robert Szachrajuk, Florence Watts
Regrets: Rosa Cordiano, Richard Cavanaugh

    • Early Items
      1. Dick Watts memorial – Harry presented a plan to produce a bronze plaque to name the Glenholme steps as ‘Dick Watts Steps’ to be embedded into the concrete when a permanent ramp up to the curb at Glenholme and Regal Road is installed. The cost of the bronze plate would be between $500 to $1000. After discussion all were in agreement to start the process.
      2. Community Welcome project – Beth reported that she is working towards getting welcome letters from school trustee Marit Stiles and MP Julie Dzerowicz to be included in the welcome package. One package was delivered this past month. A reminder to all members, when you know of new neighbour moving in, please send a note to Beth ( so a welcome package can be prepared and delivered!


    • Street Beautification
      1. Update – Mary Anne was not present to provide an update. Florence reported that the sweet gum tree planted to commemorate the centennial anniversary of Regal Road Public School died. It has been replaced by a maple tree.


    • Planning, Zoning and construction
      1. Communications update – Peter reported that the RHRA website has been reviewed and updates to will be implemented.
      2. Davenport Diamond grade separation meeting Jan 18 – Margaret provided a summary of the meeting: On January 18, 2016 Metrolinx presented their preferred alternative design for a 1.4 km, $210 M rail overpass between Bloor and Davenport. Metrolinx announced their intention to commence the Transit Project Assessment Process, on January 28, 2016. The proposed project would eliminate the level rail crossing on the Metrolinx Barrie line, accommodating 180 trains per day. The service will be north and southbound, hence there will be a train running through this dense residential neighbourhood every 7.5 minutes. The meeting hall was packed, as was an overflow room. Most say they do not want the proposed overpass, favouring a tunnel option to ensure a safe, healthy and cohesive future community. The community is supported by Toronto City Council. On December 9, 2015 Council adopted a motion opposing the overpass and supporting the tunnel option. Both the current and former Chief Planners for the City oppose the overpass option. Metrolinx’s response was to restate its commitment to the overpass option. Representatives of the group Options for Davenport spoke at the meeting. They emphasized their support for transit and opposition to the overpass. They suggested that the impact of this project should be measured over its expected 100-year lifetime. Metrolinx believes the tunnel option will have several negative impacts, but some members of the community believe creative engineering could help mitigate negative impacts.
      3. They requested that the assessment process be delayed and that a full environmental assessment be completed. They also asked that our MPP support the community. They also requested that members of the community voice their concerns to the Premier, the Minister of the Environment and Climate Change, and to the Minister of Transportation:
        1. Premier Kathleen Wynne:
        2. Minister of Environment and Climate Change Glen Murray:
        3. Minister of Transportation Stephen Del Duca:
        4. Davenport MPP Cristina Martins:


      4. Oakwood Avenue improvements update – Margaret reported on the meeting held Jan 12th. The new proposal includes three alternatives: 1) do nothing, 2) build bump-outs only on the west side of the street and 3) build bump-outs on both sides of the street. The favoured option is exactly the same as one presented last year and the third option was the only one illustrated in the materials handed out by the City. Margaret has many concerns about the impact the proposed designs will have on traffic congestion. An online survey which closed Jan 17th gave the public an opportunity to provide input. Councillor Palacio is seeking alternatives and community input to bring forth to City council.
      5. City Council Street Mural meeting Jan 21, 2016 – Dave reported that the motion Councillor Palacio put forth for a policy on street murals in Toronto will be voted on this Thursday. The policy has since been revised to permit only two street murals to be painted per year. Dave will report on the outcome of the vote at the next meeting. UPDATE: Toronto’s Public Works and Infrastructure Committee voted unanimously to initiative a pilot project brining four murals to Toronto streets this summer. (See exciting media coverage including the Regal Heights Mural here)


    • Special Events
      1. Update on Syrian refugee initiative – John reported that the ‘United Neighbours’ organization has raised about $37 000 of the goal of $50 000 to sponsor a Syrian family. A “Salsa for Syria” event is being planned for further fundraising to help meet the goal. In the meantime the application to sponsor a family has begun. To donate online go to and click on ‘United Neighbours refugee settlement‘ (supported by St. Matthews United Church).
      2. Carol Sing – John reported that the Carol sing was a great success. The Salvation Army band led us in the carols, two police officers on horseback attended, Santa made an appearance and over 100 cups of hot chocolate were served. Thanks to Cathy Araujo for taking photos which will be posted on the RHRA website.


    • Police Community partnership – nothing to report


  • Finances and Membership
    1. Memberships now available online – Memberships can now be paid online via the RHRA homepage through either PayPal or credit card. The first online membership has been received. The RHRA treasurer receives automated notification when someone makes a donation and will forward the information to Dave for membership tracking purposes.
    2. Finances
Finances November 17, 2015 January 19, 2016
Operating Fund $2,576 2,515
Heritage Fund 992 992
Mt Royal Bump-out (in trust) 745 745
Street Sale (in trust) 150 150
Petty Cash 0 82
Total $4,463 $4,402

Our monthly bank fees have been reduced to $1.95/month.

  • Membership – there are 60 paid memberships for the year of 2015-2016. The decision has been made to change the membership year to be on an annual basis from January to December. To achieve this, the membership for this past year will be extended from May 2015 to December 2016. Renewals for the year 2017 will commence at the November public meeting.


  • Other
    1. Galleria Mall community meeting Saturday January 23, 2016; 11 am to 4 pm – the public is invited by Freed Developments and ELAD Canada to a community open house to discuss the future of the Galleria Mall site. They wish to hear what you would like to see as a part of the site’s future development.
    2. Pub nights – Beth will draw up a schedule of pub nights for the year of 2016, to be presented at the next meeting
    3. TTC proposed 3rd party assessment of the St. Clair TTC ROW – Margaret reports that this TTC initiated study currently in the RFP stage may be cancelled.
    4. Save the school Oakwood CI. Initiatives have been on hold, but need to stay active.
    5. Regal Heights Village BIA will resume its meetings next month.
    6. RHRA Annual General Meeting – We are looking for ideas for speakers and topics at the AGM. John will produce a list of scheduled activities for RHRA year 2016.

    Next Meeting: Tuesday February 16, 2016 at 7 p.m. at the home of Beth Marcilio, 79 Regal Road.