Regal Heights Residents’ Association Executive Meeting, Tuesday April 15, 2014

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Regal Heights Residents’ Association Executive Meeting, Tuesday April 15, 2014 at 7pm, home of Harry Lay, 2 Glenholme Ave
Present: : Richard Cavanaugh, Linda DeGiorgio, Harry Lay (chair), Anita Kung (recorder), Margaret Smith, Dick and Florence Watts
Regrets: John Keating, Beth Marcillio

  1. Street Beautification
    1. Street beautification – A number of people came out on April 6th for the cleaning up of the Springmount Blvd gardens. The area below the new retaining wall has now been seeded with a variety of grasses. On April 11th several people were out cleaning the Rosemount gardens. Considerable dog droppings were collected. Volunteers are being sought to care for the various planter barrels on Rosemount. Pansies have been ordered from the City. They will be delivered to Marie’s home in Mary Ann’s absence. Graffiti on the birdhouse was removed. Judy Adler had suggested that ivy be painted on the birdhouse to deter future tagging. She will speak to Alex with this suggestion.
    2. Compost drop – has been arranged for delivery to Oakwood CI parking lot at 5pm on Thursday April 24th, courtesy of Councillor Palacio. Community residents are welcome to come out with their shovels and containers to help themselves to some free compost.
    3. Daffodil Hill clean up – Richard reported that about 15 people were out on April 11th to help clean up the hill. Two bags of garbage were collected. The clean up was done in time just before the daffodil bulbs started emerging from the ground.
    4. Community Clean up DaySaturday April 26th at 10am starting at the OCI parking lot. Harry will co-ordinate the clean up this year. A rain date has been set for Sunday April 27th. Linda will assist if required.


  2. Planning, Zoning, Construction
    1. Crossing guard at Rosemount and Oakwood – no update available
    2. BIA liaison – no update.
    3. Traffic calming – in status quo.


  3. Community Events
    1. Municipal election candidates meeting update – Margaret reported that two mayoral candidates are confirmed for the mayoral candidates meeting scheduled for October 2nd. Four ward 17 candidates are confirmed for the councillor candidates meeting scheduled for October 9th. Location for the October 9th meeting still to be determined. Margaret will investigate possible locations to use. Harry suggested that RHRA set up a table to promote the association at the meetings.
    2. Annual General Meeting Tuesday May 20th – to be held at Oakwood Cafeteria starting at 6:50pm. Reports will be given as usual. Margaret to invite Prinicipal Austrom and Councillor Palacio to the meeting to say a few words. Linda will take care of the registration table. Florence will arrange for refreshments, Anita for cookies, Dick will select some display boards to be used. Harry will look into the possibility of having a guest speaker speak for 10 minutes to present the plans for development on St. Clair Avenue. Flyers to be posted on posts, and sent out by on the RHRA email distribution.
    3. Street sale – to be held on Saturday June 21st will be co-ordinated by Margaret Rao. Florence will ask Margaret to speak to this item at the annual meeting. She can get people to sign up to volunteer.


  4. Community Welcome Project – Harry reported that there are a few packages ready to be distributed. We should continue to use the RHRA email distribution to remind people to report when new neighbours move into the neighbourhood.
  5. Membership and Finances
    Finances March 25/14 April 15/14
    Operating Fund $2,126 $2,121
    Heritage Fund 992 992
    Mt Royal Bump-out (in trust) 745 745
    Street Sale (in trust) 87 87
    Petty Cash 72 72
    Total $4,022 $4,017


  6. Other Matters
    1. John Keating’s status – Harry will be RHRA interim chair while John is recovering from his aneurysm repair. It was decided that RHRA would send well wishes along with a plant after John returns home from the hospital.
    2. Pub Night – planned for Thursday April 24th again at the Fox and the Fiddle starting at 6:30. An email will be sent out to inform and invite residents to join the evening.
    3. Regal Road School Centennial Celebration, commemoration plaque – Harry presented a couple of possible designs to use for a rondel of about 42″ width. It may be difficult to read the print from the street level if placed in the peak of the portico. Another suggestion was for the plaque to be placed at street level by the front entrance. Harry will investigate the cost if the plaque is cast in brass.
    4. Recycle/garbage bins on pick-up day – it was reported that the waste receptacles have been replaced neatly along the sidewalk out of the path of pedestrians this past collection day. Thank you to Councillor’s office for addressing this issue.
    5. Work order for painting of railings on Glenholme and Springmount Steps – Florence will contact Councillor Palacio’s office to request the railings be repainted.
    6. Historical/cultural recognition project – Margaret proposed that RHRA investigate the possibility of developing some kind of method to display the history of our area, such as the installation of plaques in front of houses with historical information of past residents. Information can be found in St. Clair West in Pictures book. Margaret will also to contact David Raymont for assistance.

    Next Meeting: Tuesday, May 20, 6:50 pm, Annual General Meeting in OCI Cafeteria