Regal Heights Residents’ Association Executive Meeting, Tuesday February 18, 2014

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Regal Heights Residents’ Association Executive Meeting, Tuesday February 18, 2014, 2014 – Oakwood Collegiate Institute Staff Lounge at 7pm
Present: Richard Cavanagh, Rosa Cordiano, John Keating (Chair), Anita Kung (recorder), Beth Marcilio, Robert Szachrajuk, Dick & Florence Watts
Regrets: Brigid Higgins, Dave Meslin, Linda DeGiorgio

  1. Street Beautification
    1. Graffiti continues to be an ongoing issue. Piles of snow collecting at curbs are narrowing the roadways so that two way streets feel more like one way. Street parking is becoming more difficult as cars are forced to park further away from the curb, and fewer spots are available. John will email Ceasar to request snow removal.
    2. Mary Ann should put in a request now for a compost drop at OCI parking lot in the spring.
    3. Tentative date for Daffodil Hill clean up has been rescheduled for Sunday April 13th.


  2. Planning, Zoning, Construction
    1. Follow-up on traffic calming murals – in status quo
    2. Crossing Guard, Rosemount and Oakwood – a survey of the traffic count will be taken this month to determine eligibility for a crossing guard at this intersection.
    3. BIA liaison update – the Regal Heights Village BIA (RHV BIA) continues to be very active with the new chairperson, Tony Bolla. They are happy to have Margaret Smith as a liaison from RHRA. The RHV BIA annual general meeting will be taking place on March 5th at the Brunchworks Cafe. Refreshments will be served at 6 pm, and the meeting will open at 6:30 pm. The public is welcome to hear what the BIA has been doing for the past year.
    4. Sidewalk ice clearing note – an email blast was sent out reminding residents to be considerate of their neighbours by clearing their sidewalks of snow after a snowfall. It seemed to have been well received.
    5. Dangerous sidewalk driveway design – no update


  3. Community Events
    1. Pub Night – Took place on Thursday February 20th at 6:30 pm again at the Fox and Fiddle on St Clair Ave. All were welcome to come out and mingle with neighbours.
    2. Municipal election candidates meeting update – Margaret reported that the RHV BIA, Northcliffe Village BIA are in agreement to collaborate with RHRA to host a Mayoral and All candidates meeting. Tentative date set is for Thursday October 9th. Hopefully it will be held at Oakwood Collegiate.
    3. March RHRA meeting – revised date for meeting is March 25th. Date and location to be confirmed.
    4. Nominate a Hero – a police initiative to recognize police or firefighters who have contributed to the community can be nominated. More information and application forms can be found at The nomination deadline is March 31st. Contact person,
    5. Mayor’s Community Safety awards – is an award that is sponsored by Bell. Projects that have been organized to keep our City safe can be nominated. The Deadline for nominations is February 28th.
    6. Street Sale – Margaret Rao contacted John shortly after the meeting to say she would chair the Street Sale. We are seeking volunteers to go door-to-door to collect a nominal fee for people wishing to put up a sales table.


  4. Community Welcome Project – in status quo
  5. Police/Community partnership – Rosa reported that she will continue to attend PCP 13 division meetings on a regular basis and attend CPLC meetings on an as need basis.
  6. Membership and FinancesMembership – there are currently 83 paid memberships
    Finances Jan 21/14 Feb 18/14
    Operating Fund $2136 2131
    Heritage Fund 992 992
    Mt. Royal Bump-out (in trust) 745 745
    Street Sale (in trust) 87 87
    Petty Cash 86 72
    Total $4046 4027


  7. Other Matters
    1. Severino is seeking RHRA support in the form of a letter to advocate for the extension of paper TTC transfers to be valid for a two hour window on all TTC networks. Presently it is available on the St. Clair streetcars only and has been useful. All present were in favour. Severino to draft a letter and John will review and submit.

Next Meeting: Tuesday March 25th, 7 p.m. at the home of Beth Marcilio, 79 Regal Road.