Regal Heights Residents’ Association Executive Meeting, Tuesday January 21, 2014

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Regal Heights Residents’ Association Executive Meeting, Tuesday January 21, 2014
Present: Linda DeGiorgio, Marie Goldthorpe, John Keating, Anita Kung, Harry Lay, Beth Marcilio, Margaret Smith, Dick and Florence Watts
Regrets: Rosa Cordiano, Richard Cavanaugh, Brigid Higgins, Dave Meslin, Mary Anne Quance

  1. Street Beautification
    1. Street beautification report – dogwood and evergreen branches were added to the planter barrels. Daffodil bulbs from the City were planted below the new retaining wall on Springmount before the frost set in. Florence moved that a budget of $300 be set for street beautification use this year. All approved.
    2. Irrigation on Rosemount and Springmount Ave – a trench has been dug in the Rosemount gardens and pipes placed in the ground earlier this season. Plans are for the water hook up to be done in the spring. No news about any work on Springmount gardens.


  2. Planning, Zoning, Construction
    1. Follow-up on traffic calming murals – deferred
    2. Update of GE/Hitachi uranium plant – Margaret reported that Judy Adler had given an extensive presentation in opposition to the plant at the December public meeting hosted by Andrew Cash. Many were in attendance. About 50 people are employed at the plant of which about 20 live in the area. Margaret says the plant has a very safe record. According to all provincially regulated testing of soil taken from around the area there has never been any trace of nuclear contamination. She says this industry is highly regulated and frequently monitored by inspectors. However, she was very critical of the plant’s lack of transparency to the community.
    3. Crossing guard, Rosemount and Oakwood Ave – no update available. Margaret wonders whether one of the problems leading to vehicular collisions is due to drivers thinking the intersection is a four-way stop when it is not.
    4. Calls for new BIA liaison – Margaret Smith has kindly volunteered to be the new liaison between RHRA and the Regal Heights Village BIA. Thank you Margaret
    5. Abandoned house at 16 Lauder Ave – the bank has taken possession of the house and has begun to start cleaning it out.
    6. Proposal for sidewalk ice clearing initiative – discussions were shared about the dangers of walking on ice covered sidewalks, particularly for the elderly and disabled. It was decided that a friendly email appealing to residents to clear their sidewalks of snow and ice would be sent out. Private residents do have the option to report habitual non-shovellers to the City. Call 311 to report and they will send out an inspector and the resident may be fined.
    7. Discussion of dangerous sidewalk driveway design – The current design for sidewalks where they meet private driveways is to have a steep slope toward the street, across most of the sidewalk. This has created more hazardous conditions for pedestrians in wheeled strollers and in icy conditions. John will write a letter to Councillor Palacio requesting change to the design for future sidewalk repairs. We are advocating a small slope only at the outer edge of the sidewalk.


  3. Community Events
    1. Scheduling events for this year 2014 – a tentative schedule of events was discussed and are subject to change
      Date Event Details
      Thursday, Feb. 20: Pub Night. A follow-up to our wildly successful first pub night at the Fox & Fiddle last fall. Watch for details.
      Sunday, March 30: Daffodil Hill cleanup. We’ll remove trash and weeds on the hill along Davenport Rd, beside the Regal Rd. School, just before the thousands of daffodils burst into bloom.
      April TBA: Garden preparation. We’ll fix up the flowerbeds and do some early planting in the flower barrels and the public gardens along Rosemount Ave. and Sringmount Ave.
      Saturday, April 26: Neighbourhood cleanup day. Join thousands of others across the city for the annual spring cleanup. We’ll provide the bags and gloves. Help keep the neighbourhood looking great.
      Tuesday, May 20, 7 p.m.: RHRA Annual Meeting. Everyone welcome. At the Oakwood Collegiate Institute cafeteria.
      Saturday, June 21: Neighbourhood street sale. Get rid of unwanted items and pick up a few new things. Volunteers needed to collect nominal donations to set up a table. Proceeds go to publicizing the event.
      Tuesday, July 1: Canada Day Parade. Wear something red, encourage your children to decorate their bikes and join the family-friendly parade through the neighbourhood streets to Regal Rd. School.
      Sunday, July 6: Neighbourhood Garden Tour. Show off your garden and pick up some great gardening ideas from your neighbours. No prizes and no pressure – just a pleasant day of garden appreciation.
      July/August TBA: Group gardening excursion. We’re currently looking into group tours and perks at public gardens and arboretums. Watch for details.
      August TBA: Movie night. We’re hoping to stage this at the new Santa Chiara Park at Northcliffe and St. Clair. Watch for details.
      September TBA: Pub Night. Another get-together in what we hope will be a local tradition.
      October TBA: Heritage walking tour: A follow-up to our successful historical tour of Westmount Ave. last fall.
      Saturday, Oct. 25: Pumpkin Carving. We’ll supply the pumpkins and the safety knives. You bring your kids and your imagination. Tentatively at the Mount Royal Parkette.
      Thursday, November 20: Beaujolais nouveau tasting party. We’ll have a selection of the new release of wines from Canada and the world. Details to come.
      Friday, Dec. 19: Regal Heights Carol Sing. A Christmas tradition. Meet in front of Oakwood Collegiate Institute for carols and seasonal songs.
    2. Carol sing – some 60 people turned out for a shortened carol sing. Many thanks to the volunteers who helped out and to the Salvation Army Band that came and played through the rain. Pictures from the evening will be posted on the RHRA website. What community spirit!
    3. RHRA liaison with BIA for Christmas lights – John will send a letter of thanks to the RHV BIA for the wonderful Christmas lighting they put up this season, especially on the corner of Oakwood and St. Clair.


  4. Community Welcome Project – four homes have been sold recently. No packages sent out yet.
  5. Police Community Partnership – deferred
  6. Membership and Finances
  7. Finances Nov 19, 2013 Jan 21, 2014
    Operating Fund $2106 $2136
    Heritage Fund 992 992
    Mt. Royal Bump-out (in trust) 745 745
    Street Sale (in trust) 87 87
    Petty Cash 67 86
    Total $3997 $4046


  8. Other Matters
    1. Possible ward 17 and Mayoral candidate’s meeting – Margaret will investigate setting up of an electoral candidates’ meeting for October 27th. To consult with Northcliffe Village Residents’ Association, RHV BIA and Davenport Neighbourhood Association.
    2. Rebates available for loss of service during ice storm – Bell and Rogers will provide rebates for loss of service during the ice storm if requested. Call the customer service line to make the request.

Next Meeting: Tuesday February 18, 2014 at 7 p.m. OCI staff room.